
This page offers resources for all senators, including faculty senators, administrative/ex-officio senators, and student senators. The Senate conducts committee business using Teams. Senators and faculty are also encouraged to participate in the UFS Discussion Forum. Questions can be directed to the Senate staff or a Senate Officer.

The Role of a Faculty Senator

Faculty’s Legislative Body

The University Faculty Senate (UFS) is the sole legislative body representing the University faculty. Its actions are authoritative on all matters that pertain to the educational interests of the University (all graduate, professional, and undergraduate instruction, research, and continuing education) and on all educational matters that concern the faculties of more than one college. These actions are subject, after consultation, to revision and orders of the president of the University.

Shared Governance and Meeting Structure

As elected representatives of the faculty of their campuses or colleges, University Faculty Senators take part in the shared governance of the university though their involvement with the University Faculty Senate. This work involves participation in plenary meetings (meetings of the whole senate) and standing committee meetings. Additionally, there are sometimes sub-committee meetings which augment the work of the committees, as well as various forums which give senators a more informal opportunity to express opinions on critical topics.

Attending the plenary and standing committee meetings is a critical requirement of the UFS. It is in these meetings where the faculty employ the most influence over decision making at the highest levels. Also, at Penn State the faculty have legislative control over the curriculum, curricular policy, and educational policies for undergraduate students. It is in the UFS where the faculty exert this authority.

Term of Office and Committee Membership

The term of office for Faculty Senators is four years. During that time, senators serve on one of the Senate’s standing committees. In advance of each academic year, Senators are asked to complete a committee preference form. The Senate then uses this information to make every effort to accommodate the preferences of the senators when assigning them to a standing committee. However, some committees, such as the Senate’s Committees on Faculty Affairs and the Senate Committee for Curricular Affairs, require members from nearly every college and campus. So, it may be necessary for your unit’s caucus (i.e., the faculty senators who represent your unit on the UFS) to decide about which of their senators will be members of these critical committees. In addition to the standing committees, the UFS has other committees to which faculty Senators are elected or appointed.

Service Effort

The time commitment for UFS work is an important consideration. The UFS usually meets in plenary and standing committee meetings approximately eight times a year. These meetings take place on Tuesdays, with committee meetings taking place in the morning and the plenary taking place in the afternoon. Three of these “Senate days” occur in the fall (September, October, and December) and four occur in the spring (January, February, March, and April). The Senate tentatively plans for one summer meeting, as well. Meetings take place either in person or via Zoom. When held in person, participants may still attend via Zoom if necessary.

Senate Committee meetings start as early as 8:30 and last two-three hours. Additionally, sub-committees may meet more often, depending on the nature of their work. The plenary meetings begin at 1:30 unless otherwise specified. The plenary meeting duration times can vary depending on the amount of business on the agenda. Senators should plan for the plenary to be at least three hours in length, but there is no set ending time, so it is advised that you plan to attend the Senate plenary for the entire afternoon. We have had meetings that last as long as five hours. During the plenary meetings, we have an opportunity to hear directly from the President and the Provost and ask questions of them, which is an important benefit of Senate service.

In order to prepare for the Senate meeting days on those Tuesdays, plan in advance, as these are important days for you to represent your academic unit in Senate business. In addition to clearing your calendar for those days, also take time to review and read the committee meeting and plenary meeting agendas. This will prepare you to more actively participate in the meetings.

Unit Meetings of the Senate

Your local campus or college will also have Senate caucus meetings (i.e., meetings of the faculty senators who represent your unit on the UFS), which are held to discuss the UFS agenda or other important issues that are related to university governance. Consult with your caucus leader or other caucus members to determine the meeting times. There is also a meeting of the Commonwealth Caucus, which includes the five stand-alone colleges, University College, Dickinson Law, Great Valley and Penn State Hershey, from 11:15 to 12:15 on in-person Senate meeting days. These caucus meetings happen after the committee meetings and, when in person, are catered by the Senate Office.